Koalas at Soldiers Point P.S.

A special koala experience

October 21, 2013
by rangashaz

Wednesday Wk 3 T4

Dylan, Jordan and Jackson went to see BK today. Jackson and Jordan saw a koala with brown shoulders. Dylan saw BK. They were in th esame tree but in different parts. The brown one is a small koala too.

October 19, 2013
by rangashaz

Monday Wk 3 T4

Today Esha, India and Mia went to Habitat 1. BK was high in the tree. She was eating from the very top. They could not see her straight away but then they found her.

October 14, 2013
by rangashaz

Monday Wk 2 T4

Today Esha, Kyeisha, Jorja and Tayha went to see BK. Her nose is black and her eyes were open. She was half way up hugging the trunk. She was looking at us.

October 12, 2013
by rangashaz

Friday Wk 1 T 4

Today Lucas and Ayla went to Habitat 1 to see BK. She was in her favourite part of the tree and was eating. The branches are very skinny but she balances!

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